Jun 10, 2015


After it going so well for me at the NAFC I've decided to play some more tournaments with dark elves, but I'm not a 100% happy with the team I've painted. So, I'm going for dark elves 2.0 and this time I'll convert them from the games workshop plastic sets.

Here's the first try with a lineman. He's still missing spikes, repositioning, other arms and green stuff, but I think it will look good once it's done.

First try at a plastic lineman

It will however take a while before they're done and until then I'll just play with the painted team.

Since I need to order some bitz for the dark elf team I painted some dwarves, for fun. They were quite easy to paint so I ended up getting a fourth of the team done.

One fourth of the Tiergarten Titans