Oct 25, 2020



The tournament was played using the EuroBowl 2021-rules with the addition of a modified kick off table, which used elements from BB2020.


I decided to play slann as I might not have the possibility to do so once BB2020 hits. I had a look at what I wrote after the last tournament with slann and adjusted my roster accordingly. The main points being losing the apo and not bringing a blitzer.

1 Froxigor (Block)

4 Catchers (3xDodge)

8 Linemen (2xBlock, Wrestle, Strip Ball)

3 Re-rolls

1 Coach

Game 1 vs Dark Elves

I got to decide if I would like to kick the ball and decided to do so, the decision made easier to the rain. The dark elves were cautious and let the runner stand in their own half with the ball for a couple of turns and the frogs used this to remove some elves from the field. As the runner then moved forward and passed the ball to one of the witch elves, thereby forgetting the rain, a re-roll was used and the dark elves retreated again. They were then forced to go down a sideline and the froxigor could blitz in and base the ball carrier next to the side line. The dark elves blitzed through the frog screen and the witch elf would have to dodge away from the froxigor and hand off the ball to a lineman in scoring range, but the witch elf failed her dodge due to prehensile tail and the ball went out and was thrown deep in to the half of the dark elves. The frogs then picked up the ball and scored in turn 8.

Most of the KOed elves didn't want to get back on the field and things were looking up for the frogs. However, I made an error in my set up and left a weak point for a blitz. The kick off was a blitz and the dark elves managed to stun the strip ball lineman and move in to catch the ball. The frogs surrounded the lone blitzer but couldn't bring him down with six block dice. The dark elves were forced to score after that and the frogs lined up to receive the ball again.

The frogs can't bring the dark elf blitzer down

The second drive ended in a frog touchdown with time left on the clock for the dark elves.

As the dark elves moved forward to get players in scoring range, the frogs marked them and blitzed the "middle" dark elf, which would force a long pass. The runner moved up for the pass and rolled a 1. The last re-roll was used and it was another 1. The frogs could put tackle zones on the ball and the dark elves had one last chance to get the pass off, but once again a dodge away from the froxigor failed and the game was over.

End 2-1 (2-3)

Game 2 vs Ogres

Second game and I was up against some ogres with Brick and Grotty. The ogres started with the ball and the lineman with strip ball leap in and got the ball on the ground. The ogres (or rather Grotty) managed to dodge through the frogs and pick up the ball. Grotty was then thrown towards the endzone, but the frogs reached him and got the ball back. The frogs then stalled out the rest of the half and managed to remove one ogre in the process.

The second half saw the frogs in trouble, when some snotlings managed to blitz the ball carrier, but the frogs could get the ball back and scored with three turns left for the ogres.

The ogres couldn't get their offence going and the frogs stole the ball and ended the game with a third touchdown.

End 3-0 (4-2)

Game 3 vs Old World Alliance

I've never played against OWA and I was forced to receive the ball. I lost some players and was quite early down in numbers, which forced me to take some risks. I went to the right, to the left and back to the right. I needed a leap to work, to seal the edge, but failed it even with a re-roll. This left the door open for a blitz on the ball carrier and the OWA managed to steal the ball and scored in turn 8.

Not ideal

As I was down on both players and on the scoreboard, I had to up the pressure and I tried to leap in to the cage and get the ball on the ground. It worked once and the ball was pick up by a catcher. Things looked good, but the froxigor decided to be stupid in the wrong moment which opened the door for a blitz on the ball carrier (I activated the froxigor for a 2d block to avoid a leap with a lineman). 

OWA get the ball on the ground in the second half

The ball was picked up by the OWA team and they scored their second touchdown in turn 16.

End 0-2 (1-5)

Game 4 vs Chaos Renegades

An exciting game against a fouling chaos renegades, which started with the ball. No time was waisted and players were being removed from the get go. The frogs responded by removing the troll, mino and leader lineman in the first half. The was also a notable situation where the froxigor intercepted a bomb from Bomber Dribbelsnot, which was thrown towards the renegades, but scattered on to Dribbelsnot. He couldn't catch it and left the game due to his own bomb.

The frogs still couldn't stop the renegades who scored in turn 8.

The all in blitz from the renegades

The second half started with a deep kick and a blitz. The renegades went all in on one side and the ball went out in the endzone. The catcher on the opposite side got the ball and moved up the pitch on the other side. There was no possibility to stall out the game for a draw due to the low numbers of frogs on the field, which made things exciting. This game could go either way, but the renegades had the advantage due to number, a blodging dark elf and the lack of strip ball on the side of the frogs (CASed).

I gave it my all, but I couldn't stop the renegades and the tournament ended with a loss.

End 1-2 (3-4)


I'm not too happy with my record for the tournament (2-0-2), but considering the coaches I played against and the fact that the last game could (and should) have been a draw it looks worse than it is. I also had the highest opponent score which also says something.

Final standings

I'm happy with the roster and didn't feel that I missed the apo as I either had enough players or had so few, that an apo wouldn't have made a difference. Having 13 players also enabled me to foul and not really worry too much about sustained CAS. I didn't miss the blitzer either as the linemen are as good, in my opinion, for what they do.

Thank you for reading.

Oct 4, 2020

Bad Pony Garden Brawl II

 It was once again time for a tournament in the garden and this time with four games.

(EuroBowl 2020-Rules)

I had thought about what to play and decided on wood elves in order to try to get above a NAF ranking of 200 again. It had also been more than a year since I played wood elves and I figured that it was time.

I had a look at what I had written about the wood elves in my last tournament with them and adopted my roster based on that. The biggest changes being that I took frenzy on a wardancer and left the apothecary at home in favor of a reroll.


2 Wardancers (Strip Ball, Frenzy)


Thrower (Leader)

3 Catchers

4 Linemen (Block, Wrestle)

2 Rerolls

Game 1 vs chaos pact

I was up against a star play that I hadn't seen before, Bob Bifford. Joining him was a mino with claw and a block troll. The team only had one leader reroll on the roster, which is risky.

The game started with the pact team on the receiving end of the kick off and they wasted no time and KOed an elf and the mino killed the treeman on the blitz. Not a great start for me, but I did my best to get in the way of the the pact team to slow it down. I managed to get the ball on the ground using my strip ball wardancer and I then tried to scatter the ball again to get it away from the pact team, but it ended back in the hands of the dark elf, but I had at least based the ball carrier.

In the following turn, my opponent rolled a one for the troll and the mino, which forced him to dodge with the ball carrier, without the reroll as it had already been spent. Another one and I could pick it up in turn 7 and move up the field, in to scoring range. The pact team could only push the ball carrier and I managed to score in turn 8.

I then scored again in the middle of the second half and had thereby probably already won the game.

The following kick was short and the orc caught it close to the LOS.

I was able to put some pressure on the pact team and my opponent decided to give the ball to Bob.

No the worst idea, but I could hinder the advance from the pact team and keep them off the scoreboard

End 2-0 (0-4).

Game 2 vs norse

This was the best game of the tournament. Very tactical and the first half was a thriller.

I forced my opponent to go to one side and then back again, but he could as the yeti killed the treeman, that was covering his route to the other side. At least the treeman lasted longer in this game, all the way to turn 4. However, the position enabled me to chain push my block lineman in to his cage and put an assist in place. Sadly, I coldn't get the ball carrier down and my opponent escaped again. I had a chance, but failed the leap with my strip ball wardancer and my opponent could score in turn 8.

At this point, I had five elves on the field, but I still set up for the OTTD. The kick off was a touchback, which helped, but I made an error with my thrower in the back field. He needed to go forward and cover a square for the last push, which I hadn't seen. A mental error, but I almost managed the push part of an OTTD with just five elves.

I was down on players which sadly meant that I couldn't hold off for the draw. I was forced to score early and I didn't get enough people back on the field to really be able to stop my opponent.

End 1-2 (1-4)

Game 3 vs dwarves

Up against some dwarves and their deathroller. I got to decided and went for kicking, which I usually do. The first turn for the dwarves wasn't that spectacular and I was a bit hopeful. I then started my turn and the treeman rooted. Not great, but no the end of the world. I wanted him to tie up a couple of dwarves, but alas. The deathroller then blitz my frenzy wardancer, killing him in turn 2 and I was now down two players and the half got very difficult. However, my opponent left me a 4+ dodge for a 1d on the ball in turn 7 which I took and the ball was on the ground. I couldn't pick it up, but I had forced the dwarves to roll some dice. This proved too much and the runner failed to catch the ball in the endzone.

I then started the second half by rooting my treeman, which wasn't great. I had to score earlier than I wanted, which left the dwarves four turns to score. I managed to knock the ball out of the runners hands, but couldn't pick it up with my wardancer and the dwarves could run of with the ball in the hands of a blitzer. I could reach, all I needed was to dodge out, but I rolled a 1.

End 1-1 (0-3)

Game 4 vs dark elves

Dark elves with all four blitzers (two with dodge), both witches (with block) and a leader runner.

I kicked and my opponent started the game by blocking with his linemen, using the blitzers for the assistant. Very weird and risky. His blitz was also risky as it was a 2d in to a 1d, even though it didn't have to be. I then answered by sending some players through his line and threatening his runner with the ball in the backfield. My opponent then scored in turn 2 and I had the whole half to surf two blitzers and get some hits in before scoring in turn 8. My surfs did nothing and I caused nothing but a stunned or two. My opponent managed some KOs and I was down on players in the second half.

All I had to do now was to keep my cool and score late for at least the draw, but everything went down hill fast. My opponent managed to KO some of my players and I managed to fail dodged and thereby killing my own players. I was swamped by the dark elves and I couldn't hold on and was overwhelmed, losing the ball and my opponent could score in turn 16.

End 1-2 (0-0)


First of all, I was happy with the frenzy wardancer and when/if I play wood elves again, he'll be on the roster. I didn't miss the apothecary that much as I lost so many players, but the reroll was essential. Not sure if either option is wrong, but I think I'll go for a reroll next time.

Considering that I was down on players in every game, I'm not too unhappy with my play. The most annoying thing is the loss in game 4. I should have one that one, but the amount of failed dodges and KOs just meant that it was too easy for my opponent.

My NAF-ranking will take a hit, but that's how it works. Hopefully I'll be able to salvage it sometime in the future, but I will take a break from AG4 teams for a while. I'll play lizardmen in my next tournament in three weeks (if the Corona rules aren't changed before then). Wish me luck and more CAS inflicted than received.

Thanks for reading.


It did not work out as I had hoped. I lost some NAF ranking points instead of gaining.
Oh well, I'll have to give the wood elves another go sometime in the future, probably under the new BB2020 rules.