Last season ended with me having to concede the semi final due to scheduling issues and then losing in the game for third place against amazons. It was a weird game with casualties on both sides. Also very close, but the amazons just managed to get away with the W.
This means that my dark elves ended up in fourth place.
Not too happy with that result as I would have played the wood elf team in my division in the semi finals, whom I had beaten three times before. I would rather have played that game and lost in the finals, but that's life.
I was considering taking the dark elves for a second season, but decided against it.
What I wanted to do was to play some slann, since there are some excellent frogs from JBone on the horizon. I however decided against this at the last minute and decided that I'll build that team up first in our open league and paint them first. Who knows, I might play slann 2018.
What did I go for in the end?
Well, I wanted to try something and have thought about it for a while. Halflings!
Would I be brave enough? Would I be able to win a game?
With there being some new coaches in our leauge I thought it was fairer to them, so I went for it!
I ended up in a division with two new coaches, one semi new and one experienced coach.
I'll be facing dark elves, khemri, necro and nurgle. Nurgle being the experienced coach with a monster team on TV1840. Wish me luck!
On the wood elf front, I've painted all the elves for the team and I'm waiting for the temperatures to rise so I can undercoat my treeman. I'm still on schedule to have the team painted for the first tournament (and my 20th) of the year on the 25th of February. Pictures will follow ones the treeman is done (and perhaps some wip pictures as well).
I'll leave you with some wip of the no finished thrower and last lineman.
Thanks for reading!