Jan 1, 2018

Update for 2017

It's been a while since I've posted on the blog and there's a good reason for it. I was blessed with my second daughter in August and have since used my free time for the hobby and not the blog.

I hope to remedy this in 2018, but I thought I'd update you on what I've been up to hobby-wise since my last post.


I've played in two tournaments since my last post. I played two games as the odd man out at Underground Cup and finished the year of with XMas Bowl.

Underground Cup III

I played pro elves in round 1 and in round 5. Spielmacher, my co-organiszer played the other games as I had to get back to my family.

The tournament was a success and I won one game and lost to the tournament champion, Sprinter in round 1 (although it was a close game).

We've decided to change Underground Cup to a one day tournament with four games (as the first instance) and introduce a new tournament, the Berlin Open as a two day tournament in September. We hope to get a large amount of attendees from the rest of Europe since we offer something that's quite rare now, the "TV110 + (5+1) Skills"-format.

XMas Bowl

As last year, I went with wood elves, but this time with a different roster. A roster that I like more than others, but I haven't had enough linemen painted before to field it. There were some special tournament rules in place, like a free snotling (with sneaky git and loner), a free cheerleader if the roster was handed in on time and the winter pitch weather table was in play.

2 Wardancers (Strip Ball)
7 Linemen (2xWrestle, Block, 2xDodge)
3 Rerolls
(Free Cheerleader)
(Free Snotling)

Game 1 vs Skaven
This was a weird game. It had it all. Three blitzes and two one turner attempts (mine was successful).
The game ended 2-2, but could easily have gone 3-2 for either side.

The elves score the first TD of the game
Game 2 vs Skaven

My opponent was newish to the game and gave me too much space to work with. I could easily screen off and he also placed too many players in contact. The game should have ended 2-0 for me, but a crazy set of rolls made it 2-1.
My opponent gave me too much space to work with
Game 3 vs Norse
I was up against a coach that I play once in a while for tournament training. Things looked okay for him util I had a monster turn were I removed four players (1 KO, rest CAS). After that turn, the game was more or less over. It would have been 3-0 if a hand off wasn't dropped on a 1 reroll 1 in the last turn.
Defending in the first half
Game 4 vs Dark Elves
My opponent was quite unlucky in combination with being to aggressive. It resulted in turnovers when he was out of position. I won the game 3-1 and some of it was thanks to his players being removed by the turnovers (and my players). The game could have ended 4-1 in turn 16, but once again, 1 reroll 1 stopped that.

After round 4, there were two coaches on 3-1-0. I thought I had won the tournament, but as it turned out, we had the same Net TD (first tiebreaker) and the second tiebreaker was Net CAS, which was my problem. I had suffered too many casualties and the other coach hadn't (orcs). I came in second for the second year in a row, but this year I also left with Most TD and to my surprise Most CAS.
I was happy with my result but sad that I would have won the tournament if any of the turn 16 scores would have worked in game 3 and 4. So close, but I'll be back next year!

Most CAS, 2nd Place and Most TD


I've managed to get some hobbying done in the evenings, when the girls were in bed. I had parental leave for the first month and managed to paint half a dwarf team, which was more than I thought I'd manage. I kept on with hobbying in the evenings and managed to finish the team before Christmas.

I also primed my dice tower to have a scoreboard and weather icons.

Dice Tower

I added magnets to the dice tower and covered it in planks made out of plastic card. I then made scoreboard markers and weather icons out of plastic card and glued them to a thin metal foil. Worked like a charm and I can now just point to the dice tower when people come up to me at tournaments, asking for the score.
wip of the scoreboard
final version

Dwarf Team

It was due time to paint the dwarf team from the Iron Golems kickstarter.

I've still got a deathroller (from Vortice Miniatures) to paint, but I'll probably wait a bit as I'm keen on starting something else...
I'm going to use the dwarves at Preußenbowl in February with this roster.

2 Runners (Wrestle)
2 Blitzers (2xGuard)
1 Troll Slayer
7 Long Beards (3xGuard)
3 Rerolls

First game with the dwarves and everything goes wrong
I've already played one practice game against Spielmacher and the unconventional wrestle skill on a runner suits me perfectly. I might have been playing too much wood elves and wrestle is one of my favorite skills (the other being diving tackle)

Thanks for reading and I'll hopefully post ofter this year!