May 27, 2015

NAFC 2015

NAFC for this year is over and what a tournament. As always (well, the times I've been there) the organisation was spot on. I'm already looking forward to next year.

But, I thought I'd do a short write up of what happend this year first.
I played with this roster.

Game 1 vs Lizardmen

Nice weather

My first game was against lizardmen, which is a tough opponent, but I'd rather face them early, when they've just got three skills. The skills were two block on two sauruses and break tackle on the krox.

Early in the second half
I started the game by kicking off to my opponent. He advanced, but I managed to bogg him down and eventually steal the ball. Sadly, I managed to knock my ball carrier down and got the ball to a skink, who handed the ball off to another skink, but the last skink failed his dodge, so the half ended 0-0, which I was still happy with. I now had 8 turns to score and potentially win the game.

In the second half, I was forced to score in my second turn, but I felt that I'd at least have a draw in the bag.
Two turn score in the second half
My opponent made a misstake, maybe because he was a bit stressed, since he needed to score. The misstake was that he didn't cover the ball when he tried to pick it up and that meant that I could get at it. I stole the ball and scored in my turn 16. A fun game and a perfect start to my NAFC 2015.

TD 2-0
CAS 2-1

Game 2 vs Undead

Nice weather

I received the ball and screened my way to a score in turn 8. 
Sadly I had 3 KOs, but felt confident that I'd get at least two in in my two attempts.
Before kicking of to him in turn 8, I got one player back and none at half time. Together with the casulties he'd inflicted it meant that I was defending with just seven elves. 

Start of the second half
I feared that my opponent woould score quickly and then steal the ball for the win.

In a few turns, I was down to four elves, but still managed to put pressure on the ball.
My opponent didn't go for the win and stalled out for the draw in turn 16. I couldn't do much in the last turn of the game since I just had five players on the field.

TD 1-1
CAS 1-3

Game 3 vs Undead

Nice weather

This game was over quick. I started the game off by rolling a blitz on the kick off table.
That meant that my opponent was now playing defense against a dark elf team in the middle of his half. I managed to stall and score in turn 8.

The second half was uneventfull since he didn't get his KOs back and I could score in turn 16.

TD 2-0
CAS 0-1

Gamle 4 vs Dark Elves

Pouring rain

I kicked to him and he started moving down the pitch, screening his ball carrier. I mad several attempts at getting to the ball, but couldn't knock it free. He scored in his turn 8.

The second half started with a pitch invasion! 2 down for me and 7 for him. 
This was my chance to score quickly and then play for the win, at least, that's what I thought. If my runner had managed to pick the ball up. In his second attempt, he did pick it up, but with a reroll. I had declaired a hand off action with him and here is when I lost the game. I shouldn't have followed through on the hand off, but I wanted to go for the win rather than stall out the draw. The rest of the half saw me trying to pick up the ball, the ball bouncing to one of his linemen, me trying to block his lineman down. I devoted a total of nine block dice to knocking the lineman down, but only managed nine pushes.
The game ended with neither of us scoring, so he won, but it was a very fun game and I'm still okay with my choice of going for the win.

TD 0-1
0-1 CAS

Game 5 vs Dark Elves

The first thing my opponent said to me was "I've had one hour of sleep, since I've been out drinking. Please have patience with me". It was quite clear that I was going to win this one.


He kicks to me and the weather changes to nice, which was good for both of us.
I score in my 8th turn and in his 8th turn a rock was thrown, but it was only a stunned player.
He CAS fouls a lineman and gets sent off

I get my KOs back for the second half so it's 10 vs 10.

Once again a rock is thrown which stunns of of his blitzers. The acctual kick is quite bad and one of his witches catch it, but he starts his turn by running a blitzer forward. He then trips on the GFI and his witch is just standing there with the ball. I surround her and get the ball back for a turn 16 score. Game over.

TD 2-0
CAS 1-0

Game 6 vs Norse

I receive and run to a side and he follows. I then switch sides and back we go. This means he just gets one blitz per turn and with his lower armor, I get some players of the field. In my turn five I break through for a TD in turn six. This leaves him three turns to score, but I thought I could defend from that happening, which I almost do. but rather than markig his ball carrier with a witch I move her away (the blitz was used on one of the receivers in my half), to protect her for the second half. This means, that he's got an easier time scoring.
He scores in his turn 8 with a hand off in a TZ and some dodges.

Start of the second half
In the second half. I stopped his offence and could in turn 16 dodge, pick up the ball, pass it, catch it hand off in a TZ and dodge my way to victory! Propper elf bullshit.

TD 2-1
CAS 3-0

This was the best game of the tournament and maybe even my best blood bowl game ever. A great oponent and a game that could have gone either way.

That meant that I ended the tournament with a 4-1-1 record, landing me the 18th spot out of 150.
I'm very happy with my result and the tournament in general.

Thank you to all my opponents and the organisers!

May 18, 2015

Roster for NAFC

The NAFC is almost here and I've just sent my roster in for review.

I'll be using the same roster as I did in the RTNAFC and Preußenbowl.
I'm hoping for a result closer to the RTNAFC than Preußenbowl.

I thought about removing a witch elf in favour of a lineman and an apo, but I won't be able to paint another linemen, so that will have to be tried in another tournament.

I've also added some white lines to the display base/carrying tray and I think it looks a bit better.
The lines aren't straight, but I don't imagine the line painting goblins being that neat, so it kind of fits.

Here's a picture of the elves (the ball will be placed in the empty spot)

Reinickendorf Raiders
and one with the halflings

Gesundbrunnen picknick Packers