Oct 13, 2015

Roster for Stock Bowl Cup VI

So, here we go. (Probably) The last tournament for the year and it's Stock Bowl Cup VI.
I had a great time last year where I lost the stunty cup on one point of opponent score and was in the running for most cas.

This time I'll be playing dark elves, but I was very much tempted to play halflings. However, I didn't like how the last tournament (Underground Cup) went and I'd like to improve with the dark elves.

Let's have a look at the roster. Since I don't have anything but 4 blitzers, 2 witches, 4 linemen and a runner painted, that's what I'm going for. I'll probably play a different roster once my dark evles 2.0 are finished, but it's going to be a while.

For skills, I went with the 5+1 pack and here is where the changes to my normal dark elf roster comes.I decided to skip leader on the runner in favour of dodge on a blitzer and I went for block on a witch instead of wrestle. I'm hoping that having four blodgers and a wrodger will be a tough nut for my opponent to crack.

Finger's crossed, that I won't have to face too many dwarves. I'm hoping that it will make the team a bit more resiliant and it forces me to play safer since I've only got two rerolls. That's also why I went for the AC and Cheer, to hopefully get me more rerolls.

4 Blitzers (3x Dodge, Guard)
2 Witches (Block, Wrestle)
4 Linemen
2 RR

Wish me luck!

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