The FUMBBL-experiment 2.0
I wrote about a FUMBBL-experiment a while back and since then I've started a second round for two reasons. One, I like the slann and vampire teams and two, I wanted to see if I could get better results a second time around, using what I've learned from my first attempt.Slann
My slann team, the Kreuzberg City Croakers have now played seven games and lost none (4-3-0), which I'm very happy with.The first thing I did with this team was to get a linefrog to 6 SPPs in order to have a wrestler.
I also didn't focus on the catchers (they'll get SPPs eventually) and I've just got three on the team. I find this enough and it makes the team more resilient overall. It also helps to keep the TV low.
I deceided to stay on twelve players for TV-reasons and as an experiment, I gave one linefrog mighty blow on a double. The idea is to give him block followed by tackle and that is cheaper than a blitzer with the same set of skills. Might give blitzers a try, but I'd rather have twelve players than fall back to eleven (for the same TV impact).
I was also very fortunate to roll a doubles on a catcher, which got guard. I'm honestly not too happy about that choice. In a tournament, yes, but in a leauge, it's a great risk to leap in with the catcher, because he'll be out the turn after. In hindsight, I should maybe have gone for pass followed by sure hands.
Another thing that I've done less is leap. I play the team as a human team with the ability to leap, but not as plan A. This has helped me get better results. So much that I've started to understand why the winner of Preußenbowl II, DocMaXX (playing slann) just had three rerolls on his roster.
The slann are moving up the list of my favorite teams and I can't wait for JBones kickstarter to launch, so I can start playing slann in tournaments. I hope that I'll stay as excited once I do.
I haven't gotten as far in to the vampire experiment. The Friedrichshain Fangs have now played two games (0-1-1), but I went with block as the first skill on a vampire. It's going to be interesting to see, if it's a better choice than dodge for the first vamp to skill.I also went with kick on the first thrall to level up. Wrestle is a good choice and I was leaning towards it, but this being an experiment, I wanted to see what impact kick could have. This early, wrestle isn't as needed, but the second thrall to level up will get wrestle (except on a double).
Vamps aren't as high up on my list of teams, but I'd like to field them in a tabletop tournament as well. The next Stockbowl Cup I go to maybe. I'm also going to play some games with them in our open tabletop league, since I've got the team (unpainted).
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