It was that time of year again, where one of the majors where being played in Düsseldorf and this was my second trip there. I was looking forward to the tournament even more that last year since I knew that some people I talk to on twitter and the likes were coming. Even more so, since I had managed to convince my friend brocCooLi to come as well, whom I met up with at the air port on Friday. That evening we stayed at the bar and had some beers while playing some boardgames and catching up with various people. Great night and a good start to the weekend.
The roster
I didn't manage to finish my assassin (or even start painting him) so I played with the same roster as I did at the Preußenbowl, with the exact same skills.
4 Blitzers (1x Dodge day 1, 2x Dodge, Guard day 2)
2 Witch Elves (Block, Wrestle day 1)
1 Runner
4 Linemen
2 Rerolls
Assistant Coach
What I did mange to finish was a display base/carrying tray. I'll make two more (one for 11 players incl a big guy and one for up to 14 players) and my upcoming teams will be based to fit it/them. It's really handy to have when changing tables etc.
Team on the display base/tray |
Game 1 vs Orcs (Da_Git)
The tournament started with a match up against orcs. It's not a bad match up for the dark elves as long as they can keep a couple of players for the second half and stop the orcs in the first.
I was facing 13 orcs (4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers, 1 Thrower and 4 Lineorcs).
The skills were tackle on a blitzer and block on a black orc and the thrower.
FAME +1 (I think)
I elect to kick since I wanted to defend with eleven elves. The orcs started the game by KOing a lineman, forming a cage and moving up the pitch. I try to slow the cage down by giving the orcs a square a turn to move forward on and I also manage to CAS one of the blitzers. I also managed to CAS one of my linemen on a dodge. The orcs CAS my runner on a both down (the black orc wasn't hurt in return), but it was otherwise an uneventful half and I did manage to stop the orcs.
Orcs moving up the pitch |
The kick off result was a perfect defense.
Orc line up prior to the perfect defense |
Orc line up after the perfect defense and my turn 1 |
The orcs responded by chasing the elves across the field.
Orcs in pursuit |
Dark elves running up the side line |
Elves stalling out the half |
I stalled out the game and scored the game wining touchdown in turn 16.
It was a good game and my opponent was great. We both had fun and it was a good start to the tournament.
End 1-0 (1-2)
Game 2 vs Chaos (LordOrc)
My second game had my facing chaos. The team just had eleven players (Minotaur (Tentacles), 4 Warriors (2x Block), 6 Beastmen) and that's the reason that I chose to receive the ball. I had more block and my team was faster. I was hoping to get some beastmen out for the second half, which would make it easier to defend. As it turn out, the plan didn't work.Weather - Nice Weather
The half saw the elves KOing a beastman and screening the ball carrier. The chaos team responded by KOing a lineman in their second turn.
I did the same play as against the orcs, moving to one side and then running up the other side, screening and using the faster movement of the elves.
Dark elves trying to out run the chaos team |
The elves could then move off and screen the ball carrier until turn 8.
For the second half, I managed to get 1 out of 5 KOed players back.
This meant that it was 7 elves against 10 chaos players, which could theoretically work.
But it didn't and I was losing elves fast. At the end of the half I had just two blitzers left. I still managed to knock the ball lose (yes, some good dice rolling involved), but the ball carrying duties was just taken up by another warrior. The game ended in a draw which I was okay with. I think I managed to get 1 out of 11 KOs back this game.
End 1-1 (1-4)
Game 3 vs Humans (Glorian_Underhill)
This was a rough game. I don't like it when my opponent shouts and that with every dice roll. Every block was followed by a BAAAAM!!! while slamming the dice cup down on the table. Even worse, my opponent was shouting SKULL!!, SKULL! when I was rerolling a failed 1d block (yes, first one was a skull).
My opponent played with Mighty Zug, 4 Blitzers (2x Guard, Mighty Blow), Thrower, 6 Linemen, 2 Rerolls. An interesting line up and I was hoping that I'd be able to avoid Mighty Zug.
I lost the coin toss and had to kick, but I think I would have done so anyway.
This game went south fast for me. My opponent CASed a lineman in turn 1. CASed my runner in turn 2. CASed my wrestle witch in turn 3 and KOing a blitzer in turn 4. At this point I gave up on the idea of stoping him and let his cage run through. Instead, I tried to get as much damage in for the second half. In turn 6 I managed to CAS one of the guard blitzers.
He scored in his turn 8 and as we lined up for my turn 8 (I didn't get any KOs back) rolled a blitz. Not too bad, but that was just the way the game was going.
My KOed blitzer from turn 4 came back for the second half came back and I could line up with 8 elves against 11 humans.
Lose ball! |
End 0-1 (2-4)
Game 3,5 vs dwarves (brocCooLi)
After we'd grabbed some dinner and gotten back to the hostel, we found the hostel bar empty so we figured that we could hang out in our room. We grabbed a couple of beers and decided to play some blood bowl. We made a pitch out of paper and had a go at dark elves against dwarves with all our skills (so like a day 2 game).The paper pitch |
End 1-1 (No idea abut the CAS)
And as it turned out, game 3,5 might have helped my prepare for day 2 as I was up against dwarves in game 4.
Game 4 vs dwarves (JBone)
JBone and I have talked via twitter and I met him at the NAFC last year. We've never played though and I was really looking forward to the game. Kind of my game against brocCooLi, a game between friends and no pressure.JBone was playing with 12 dwarves including all the positional (no the death roller). He had given mighty blow to both his troll slayers, guard to both blitzers and guard to two longbeards. A nice roster and I would probably play the same after seeing how it performed. (when I get my dwarf team painted).
Weather - Nice weather
I started the game on defense, which I prefer against bash team due to the fact that it's probably the only time I can set up eleven players on the pitch.
The kick landed close to the sideline and quite deep, so good for me, but one of the fans threw a rock at my guard blitzers, but he was only stunned.
The deep kick stopped JBone from advancing as early as he might have liked.
Dwarves stuck at the LOS, waiting for the runner to catch up |
Elves running away with the ball |
I scored in my turn 6 and gave the dwarves a chance to equalize, but it wouldn't be easy with dwarves.
I started the second half with just 8 players since my two KOed players didn't want to come back.
We set up our teams and my plan was to keep the ball in my own half, forcing JBone to advance and then either find a gap or just punt the ball into his half. I should at least be able to manage a draw. Right?
The result on the kick off was a perfect defense. I really hate that result. It can be so devastating and this was one of those times. JBone bases all my players on the line and made sure that every dodger had a tackle dwarf next to them.
I started my turn by blitzing a dwarf blitzer with my block witch, trying to get a lineman free. I was hoping for at least a push on a 2d block, so I could dodge away afterwards (getting away from the longboard). The result on the first block was a skull and a both down. Since I didn't want to leave the witch next to the longbeard, I had to dodge away. A 1. Reroll. A 1.
Darn, my first turn of the half was over and my whole team except the runner was based. This was going to hurt.
It turned out that it wasn't that bad, but I had a feeling that it was going to change soon. JBone also got his runner next to my runner so my first action in my 10th turn was to declare a blitz with the block witch. She wasn't in contact with a longbeard, so I could use dodge, if I rolled a one. A 1. Dodgereroll. A1!!!!
Yet again my turn had ended on a double one. This is where I lost the game.
The witch just needed to dodge out for the blitz... |
All was not lost, I just needed to get some KOed players back and score in the remaining turns, but I did not get my players back so it was 7 elves vs 11 dwarves.
Elves chilling in the KO-box |
I tried to screen the dwarves off, but JBone put me under pressure, basing all my players, which meant that I had to dodge and roll dice. It didn't work out for me and in his turn 13 he CASed both a blitzer and the remaining witch elf.
I couldn't get away and with just 5 players left on the field there wasn't much I could do.
JBone got the ball and I had one last chance at it. I dodged a linemen through his lines and based his runner. My knocked down runner then dodged in a tackle zone and blocked his runner. A skulle and a push. That was my last chance and after that I was left with two players on the field.
In JBones turn 15 I started playing his team instead. "You should blitz here so this guy can move over and foul that player"
In my turn 16 I could turn over the last lineman from being stunned to prone.
End 1-2 (0-2)
A game of blood bowl can really swing fast. Setting up after the first half I felt really good and in control of the game. My first two turns in the second half were horrible and JBone really took advantage of the situation.
I'll get you next time JBone!
Game 5 vs Skaven (
I felt the I put myself under a bit of pressure before this game. I really wanted to finish with a better result than last year since dark elves should be able to get a better record than halflings.My opponent was playing with 13 players. A rat ogre (break tackle), 4 gutter runners (tackle, guard), 2 storm vermin (2x guard), thrower and linemen (1x wrestle) (not a 100% sure about the roster)
Weather - Very Sunny
My opponent won the coin toss and elected to receive. I set up my team and kicked off. Brilliant coaching, I got a reroll.
My opponent start by blocking one of my linemen and CASing him. Not the greatest of starts. The next couple of blocks do no harm and then I look over to his reserve box. It's empty, so he's set up 13 players on the pitch. As per the Dungeonbowl rules, my opponent suffered an immediate turnover and two players were randomly removed from the pitch. Thankfully for my opponent, it was just two linemen who were removed. It was a bit weird having gotten the advantage in this fashion, but I honestly hadn't seen that he'd set up 13 players prior to kicking off.
In my turn I moved in to his half and stole the ball. I screen my ball carrier of and scored in my turn 8. The only thing that happened was that my guard blitzer CASed himself on a dodge on turn 4.
This meant that I just had 10 players to his 11. We line up and the kick off result is a blitz.
Not the best result against skaven and he blitzes my wrestle witch away (she was standing under the ball), but to my surprise, he puts the blitzing storm vermin under the ball. The storm terming doesn't catch the ball and a scrum is formed around the ball.
I can eventually get the ball away from the scrum (and the rat ogre) and move off with the ball.
The elves move away with the ball |
I score in my turn 16 and the game ends 2-0 for me.
End 2-0 (1-2)
Game 6 vs Skaven (Goloman)
Final game of the tournament and I'm yet again up against skaven.The roster was a bit different and there were just 12 players this time (in favor of a reroll). The rat ogre had block, one storm vermin had guard and the other one tackle. One lineman had wrestle, the thrower had leader and a gutter runner had block.
Weather - Nice weather
I'm forced to kick and it's a really shallow kick, landing on the LOS in the wide zone my opponent had left empty (we both got a reroll on the kick off). He moves his thrower to cover the ball and tries to pick up the ball with a gutter runner. A 1. Reroll. A 1. Bad luck for my opponent, but I think he should have moved more players to cover the ball, so a bad play.
Elves taking advantage of the failed pick up |
I then move up with my whole team, pick the ball up and screen him off.
He tries to stop me by putting his players in the way of my screen/cage which results in a gutter being surfed in turn 2 (CAS) and a storm vermin with tackle in turn 3 (CAS).
I was never really threatened and could stall the half out. I also managed to surf two gutter in turn 5, but they both went in to the reserve box.
I'm receiving in the second half and I could line up 11 elves against his 10 rats.
I was feeling good about this game and all I had to do was to stop him from scoring.
The kick off gives him a reroll, but it's a good kick for me. I can set up a secure position and move up the pitch.
In turn 11 the rat ogre finally CASes the lineman that I had used to tie him up. A fair trade. The rat ogre had been a none factor all game, up until that point.
Elves with the ball |
In his 15th turn he manages to dodge through and get a -2d blitz on the ball carrier (the runner) with a gutter runner (with block). I elected not to use dump off (which in hindsight probably would have been wise to use) and the result was a pow and a dodge pow. The ball is on the floor and my runner is stunned, but I had one turn left (but no rerolls).
I still had a blitzer in scoring range and he had no players in scoring range. I had won the game, but tried for the 2-0, but failed a dodge with a linemen (who was going to pick the ball up and give it to the blitzer).
End 1-0 (0-2)
This was a great weekend and I'm okay with the result. 3-1-2 isn't bad, but I feel like the dice played too much of a part in game 3 and 4. Either could easily have been a draw and game 4 looked like a win after the first half. The 3-1-2 got saw me land in the 27th place out of 84.I sustained 16 casualties over the weekend, which is a lot for an AG4 AV8-team. Some wood elf teams at the tournament had suffered the same number of casualties and only one team had suffered more than 16. It was a goblin team with 19 casualties. I'm thinking that I should try wood elves. I'm used to playing down in numbers and wood elves are even better at it than dark elves due to the wardancers and the higher general speed. Having a treeman in the center is also appealing.
The tournament is very well organized and I'll definitely come back next year. Hopefully I've finished my wood elf team by then. Thanks for reading.
Well done!
ReplyDeleteWith the paper field you got me... while browsing over the post I thought it was used during the tournament!! Then I read the true story :)