Apr 29, 2016

New project(s)

I'm almost done with the dark elves and have started to look forward to my next project.

I even asked twitter what to do and people wanted me to start my chaos dwarf team. My idea at the time of asking was to do a "quick and dirty" team, just so I could play something else, but I have changed my mind since then. I'd just end up disappointed with the team and probably never play them, which would be a shame.

When I was working on the dark elves I said to myself that my next team would be a straight paint team, ie no conversions. If I were to do the chaos dwarves, it would involve some conversions, but less than the dark elf team. However, putting so much effort in to a team as the dark elves has left a bitter taste. Mainly due to the primer incident, which saw me having to scrape my miniatures to remove some bad primer and in the proces destroing some of the work I had done. They turned out alright, but there are some spots on them that are just bad, due to either scrapes or spots where I couldn't remove the primer. I don't want that to happen again and hence, I'll put the chaos dwarves on the back burner...for now. I just need to do something else in between.

Instead, I'm going to paint my wood elf team. I'm doing so for two reasons. 1, I'd like to give white primer another go. 2. It's a team I'd really like to play in a tournament and I just need to paint 10 miniatures, because I've got three painted trees already (although I'll paint a fourth one for this team eventually).
I'll be using the miniatures from star player miniatures which are just great. Some might say a bit big and I'd agree, but so are my halflings. The elves aren't too big, just alsmost. Right now I'm thinking jade green and orange as teamcolours, but that canchange once I get started.

I am however not giving up on the chaos dwarves just yet. I'll start converting them to mix it up between painting and converting. I'll mainly use miniatures from Russian Alternative and here's a picture of the chaos dwarves I'll be using for my blockers and bulls.

I'm a bit curious if I can assemble the team to resemble the picture I have in my head. They'll probablty not get painted for a while though as JBones slann are up after the wood elves. After that, mayb, but I also want to paint the dwarves from Iron Golems and Goblins from Willy. There are just so many teams I whant to paint. Stay tuned for wip pictures of both the chaos dwarves and wood elves.

I'll also take some pictures of the finished dark elf team once they're done. I've got the bases to go on the remaining four.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Pedda, in case you do woodies next, you might need to do more than just 10 players... There are two good tournament setups in my opinion. One with 3 catchers, thrower, 2 WD, tree and rest linemen. The other drops two catchers and the thrower on favor for an apothecary. Sounds a bit odd, but he can save you the tree or one of your game changing wardancers... Muadib plays his woodies with only one catcher and became first in individual ranking at WC3

    1. Hi Jonny,

      what I meant was that I just needed to paint 10 miniatures to play the team in a tournament (with the 3 catchers, thrower, 2 WD, Tree and linemen build), but I'll still paint the rest of the miniatures I've got, ie enough players to play Maudibs roster, which I found interesting.

      I could probably have expressed myself better :)

      Thanks for the comment
