Oct 28, 2019

World Cup IV - Day 2

Extra skills were added for this day and the roster has been updated below.


3 Catchers (3xDodge)
Kroxigor (Block)
8 Linemen (2xBlock, Strip Ball+Wrestle, Wrestle)
3 Re-rolls
4 Fan factor

Game 4 vs Khemri

I was up against a very well painted khemri team, a race I rarely play against. The roster seemed solid and I was wary of the mighty blow+tackle blitz-ra getting to my catchers. My opponent decided to defend to start of the game.

Kicking Khemri

My goal was to score late in the first half, leaving next to no time for the khemri to score back. I succeeded in doing this, but not in the way I thought I would. My dice went hot and the khemri left the pitch left and right (although, they made their reg.) . I was expecting my frogs to leave the pitch at that rate, but that's blood bowl. It's weird sometimes. I scored in turn 8 and we lined up for the second half.

Defending frogs

I got the ball on the ground early and went in for the pick up and punt play, but couldn't pick it up. If I had, it would probably have been over then and there. As it turned out, this game went down to the wire. I later managed to get the ball on the ground again and my opponent had to dodge away form the kroxigor with his throw-ra to go for the pick up. The dodge was successful after the use of the last re-roll, but then the throw-ra failed the pick up.

Final phase of the game

My opponent had once last try in turn 16, but failed a 4+ hand off (wasn't the only roll that needed to succeed), after I failed the pick up and the ball bounced in to the hands of a khemri player.

End 1-0 (5-4)

Game 5 vs Chaos

Game 5 pitched me against a chaos team without a mino and I was a bit surprised that I hadn't faced chaos before the halfway line of the tournament. I kicked the ball to start it all off and the half went as expected, but I was surprised when my opponent left his claw+mighty blow open to a 3d for my kroxigor in turn 1, but I had to go for it. Yes, you guess it, my kroxigor rolled a 1. The half was a very tactical and positional game and it looked like I could keep the chaos team out of the endzone, but I then made a huge error. I had set up a screen and got greedy. I blocked with my kroxigor and yes, a 1. Darn, that left my screen week in one place and my opponent just needed to blitz on player out of the way to move through. I leaped a linefrog out to cover this error and failed, even with the use of a re-roll. Lesson to be learned here, the order of actions. I should have leaped with the linefrog before blocking, to know if I could cover the error if the kroxigor rolled a 1 or double skulls, but I got carried away. This meant that the chaos team could get through and score in turn 8.

Stupid kroxigor
My opponent put up a good defense and I yet again made an error and had to go for it with the ball carrier. The GFI failed, even after the use of a re-roll. I was in trouble and the game turned in to a scrum for the ball. One of my linefrogs ended up with the ball in his hands and moved up the field, potato style. The chaos team blitzed him down, but I had two chances of getting in to the endzone in turn 15 and 16, both 3+'s. Nuffle said no both times and the game ended in a loss. Fun game though and exactly why I went for slann, even the loses are fun.

End 0-1 (3-2)

Game 6 vs Underworld

An underworld team with Skitter Stab-Stab ended day 2. I was quite happy that there was no sign of a Glart on the roster. I received the ball and the game started with a blitz, which put me under pressure from turn 1, but I think that my opponent overcommitted and put his good players in reach of mine. Skitter left the field in turn 2 and his team mates soon followed. My opponents dice were horrible and I could easily score in turn 8.

The second half could have seen the underworld team scoring and they got very close to doing so, but I managed to steal the ball and score in turn 16.

End 2-0 (3-0)

Day 3

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