Dec 16, 2015

X-Mas Bowl, a tale of three losses

X-Mas Bowl, a tale of three losses

This was my worst tournament to date and the report will be quite short, since I'm trying to forget and move on.
But it's not all bad. There's probably some lessons to be had from these three games.

The Gesundbrunnen Picknick Packers (thanks to Kohli for the picture)

Game 1 vs Norse (Kohli)


I got the honor of kicking of and it was going well at the start of the game. I forced him to the sidelines and could even surf his Yeti, but my defense was also split in two. I did however manage to get the ball on the ground, but an unlucky bounce saw his runner take of with the ball, out of my reach. I then focused on removing his players with fouls and blocks. Sadly I didn't manage to do more than KOs.
He scored in his turn 8 and my flung 'fling scattered back, out of reach of the endzone in my turn 8. I did manage to CAS two of his players.
He got all his KOs back and it was 11 vs 10. All i could hope for was a draw.

After my turn 9 (thanks to Kohli for the picture)

I moved up the pitch, screening my ballcarrier, but he still managed to mark the ballcarrier as I was beginning to run low on 'flings. Puggy was called in for the blitz on the ulfwerner marking the ballcarrier and he skulled. I used a loner reroll and failed. Puggy went down and the norse had a good shoot at the ball, but thanks to dodge, they couldn't get the ballcarrier down. It did cost me a turn of advancing and I had to score soon to tie the game.

Moving forward, I couldn't completely screen the ballcarrier of and my opponent could blitz him with his Yeti (which was prone), but I felt that this would be the best option for me. It wouldn't be a 3d block and the Yeti didn't have block nor tackle. As it turned out, the block was a push and a both down. My opponent went for the both down and my 'fling was stunned.
In my last turn, I picked the ball up, handed it off, threw a 'fling, but the flung 'fling didn't land and I lost the game. Even if he would have landed, he would have had to make a GFI, so it was far from certain.

This was a close game where I felt that I had a good chance of tieing or even winning, but all his KOs came back and I didn't  cause enough casualties or rather not early enough.

0-1 (3-3)

Game 2 vs Pro Elves (Heroic_Tackle)


I elect to receive the ball in the hope of getting some elves of the pitch, which I do, but just KOs.
I move up the pitch, screening my ballcarrier of and it's looking promising, but as I approach the endzone, my opponent goes for it and dodges in with a blitzer with dodge. He doesn't even need to use the reroll on the dodge for 5+ and the ball is on the floor. A catcher snatches the ball and runs off. I can't do much about it and I'm fouling and hitting, hoping to get a man advantage in the second half.

Turn 1 for the Picknick Packers
That doesn't work since all of his KOs come back and it's 11 vs 11. He scores late in the half and I go for a OTTD, which succeeds. It's now 1-2 and he moves a couple of targets forward for the score. I don't even bother defending and move everything forward, throwing a 'fling which blitzes the thrower in his backfield. I can't get the thrower down and he easily scores in his turn 16.

1-3 (1-2)

Game 3 vs Wood Elves (Seagull)

Nice weather

This game was close. I moved up the pitch, trying to get some elves out, but couldn't manage anything but KOs.
In my opponents turn 7, he leaps with his strip ball wardancer (without a reroll) and get's a hit on the ballcarrier. To add insult to injury, the wardancer picks the ball up and dodges back out, which means that the half ends 0-0 and without any casualties. This is however my fault, since I could have made it harder for my opponent.
The picknick Packers moving up the field (thanks to Kohli for the picture)
In the second half, my opponent gets his KOs back and it's 11 vs 11. I managed to stop him from scoring twice, but I can't do so a third time and it's 0-1. I fail the landing in my turn 16 and thus landing me last place at this tournament.

0-1 (1-0)

This means that I drop a total of 9,08 in NAF ranking with the 'flings. I don't think I'll get back up above 150 again.
Did I mention, that this was my 13th NAF tournament? Yes, the unlucky number 13.

My next tournament will be Preußenbowl and it's got even more adventitious rules for 'flings. I might play them again, just to prove to myself that I can play them or let them rest until I've forgot all about this tournament. I guess it depends on my progress with the dark elves 2.0.

Thanks for reading

Dec 5, 2015

Roster for X-Mas Bowl, flowers and dark elves

I haven't posted since StockBowl Cup VI report, but I've been busy painting.

But first, I'd like to talk about my roster for the X-Mas Bowl on the 13th of december.
It's a very small tournament here in Berlin and it's just going to be three games and around 10 coaches taking part.

I asked on twitter if I should go for undead or halflings and the result was undead. Since then, the rules for the tournament have changed and I've painted four dark elf linemen.

Dark elf linemen (I need to work on my photography)
What does the linemen have to do with it you ask? Well, my plan was to play haflings at the Preußenbowl in February next year, but by the looks of it, I'll get my dark elves done in time. That means that I'd like to play my dark elves 2.0 and the main reason for that would be that it will be the most recently finished team, but also because next year will be the year of the dark elf for me. I'd like to play them at the Dungeonbowl and also at Eur'Open. I also feel like Preußenbowl is one of the tournaments in which I'd have a chance at a NAF trophy and a tournament win.

This menas that I'll play less halflings next year, so why not play them next weekend? Just for fun and who knows, I might reclaim the #1 spot as the best halfling player in Sweden, if I win three games (not going to happen). The roster will be the standard one with:

2 Trees (2x block)
10 'flings (4x side step)
Master Chef

To inspire the Gesundbrunnen Picknick Packers, I've added some flowers to their bases and display base. I've been meaning to do this for a while and I've finally come around to doing so. I wanted to add something to the bases, so they don't look "flat".

Here's some pictures

Wish me luck at the tournament!
Flower Power!

Oct 20, 2015

StockBowl Cup VI

StockBowl Cup VI

I was really looking forward to this tournament since I had a great time last year and it's one of the best organised tournaments that I've been to. As it turned out, I had a great tournament and just like last year, it was decided on the buzzer, but more on that later.

This year I was playing dark elves and you'll find my roster here.

As I was waiting for the first draw I walked aroud talking to some of the coaches I knew and spotted this team from equilibri, The Plaugeboy Bunnies. Excellent team. Sadly though, there's no best painted at StockBowl Cup, but if there were, I'm sure this team would have been in the runnig for it.

The Plagueboy Bunnies

The first draw was up and I was facing wood elves...

Game 1 vs Wood Elves (vs goldbaek)

Sleeping ball

My opponent was playing with
1 Tree
2 Wardancers (Strip Ball, Mighty Blow)
3 Catchers
1 Thrower (Leader)
4 Linemen (Wrestle, 2x Dodge)
2 RR

I got to decide if I wanted to kick or not and opted to receive the ball with the hope of getting some elves of the field. Hopefully the strip ball wardancers, as I saw him as the biggest threat to my team.
I set up a screen and moved up the pitch. I did allow my opponent a blitz with the catcher, but it would be a -2d block and even if the ball was knocked lose it was very likely that I'd be able to recover. My opponent went for the blitz and got a double pow. I could however recover the ball with a blodging blitzer.

Moving up the pitch before the catcher blitz
After the catcher blitz it was quite uneventfull until my opponent leaped over my screen with the strip ball wardancer in turn 6. He placed the wardancer in the way of my advance and I gladly surfed it. The crowed obviosly on my side decided to injure the wardancer. That was it, no more strip ball and I had the numbers advatage 11 to 9 due to the tree being rooted.

After the surf
However, my opponent managed to knock the blitzer closes to the endzone, which left me with far less options of a hand off target for a score. I had a shoot with a witch elf and decided to go for it. I blitzed the witch out of a scrum and dodged out. Staying on her feet, I counted the number of squares left to the endzone and realized that I had misscounted. She was one square short and I should have done a 3+ dodge before going for the 2+ dodge, which would have enabled me to score. A huge misstake on my part.
Note to self, count first, then recount before roling any dice.

The half ended 0-0 and I knew that the second half would be tough. I couldn't let him score.

The secod half starts with him catching the kicked ball with a catcher and then moving backwards to the waiting thrower for a hand off. 1. Reroll. 1.

I had essentially been given a free blitz, but I couldn't get to the ball, just put him under pressure.
In his turn 2, he managed to get the ball to a catcher and cage up, but left one of the corners in base to base with one of my players. I took the block and could blitz with my wrestle witch and after some ball scattering, the ball landed outside of the cage in two tackle zones.
I went for the pick up with one of the blitzers and managed to pick it up and dodge away.

Getting away with the ball

My opponent then went for a blitz with the remaining wardancer and needed a 3+ to get away. 2. Reroll. 2.

I could then move away and set up a secure screen and score in my turn 16.
My oponent tried to get to the ball, but didn't manage to either dodge through or knock my ball carrier down.

1-0 (2-1)

Game 2 vs Lizards (vs Skuld)

Playfull ball

My opponent was playing with
6 Saurus (2x Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Wrestle)
1 Kroxigor (Block)
5 Skinks
3 RR

I started the game by kicking deep to him and I think he failed the first pick up, but caged up and moved down the field in turn 2.

Lizards moving down the pitch

Lizards moving down the pitch
He managed to CAS my guard blitzer in turn 3 and eventulally scored. I however had two or three turns left to score and set of down one side. That he got perfect defence didn't help.

After the perfect defence
He dodges through my screen and goes for a skink blitz, but can't bring my ball carrier down. He the decided to move the kroxigor to cover the ball carrier. he just needed to dodge once with it to do so. I jokingly said that the kroxigor will fall over and kill himself. My opponent failed the dodge and the Kroxigor fell down and killed himself. We both laughed.
After that I scored in my turn 8.

With the Kroxigor out, I was feeling a lot better about this game. All I had to do now was stall long enough for him to no have or at least having a hard time scoring in his turn.

I scored in my turn 14, giving him three turns to score. Longer than I would have liked, but better having a draw in the bag and a potential win at that.

He didn't manage to score and I had my second win of the day.

2-1 (0-2)

Game 3 vs Dark Elves (vs Harza)

Sleeping ball

My opponent was playing with
3 Blitzers (Dodge, Guard, Side Step)
1 Witch Elf (Wrestle)
1 Runner (Leader)
1 Assasin (Dodge)
7 Linemen
2 RR

I started the game off by kicking the ball deep. My opponent then elected to go for the ball the first thing he did. 1. Reroll. 1.

This meant that I for the second time this tournament got a free blitz. I put pressure on the ball and even picked it up. My guard blitzer is CASed in turn 2 and I respond by CASing his guard blitzer. The ball changed hands a couple of times, but I could bring it in for a score in turn 6. I only score because I had a player KOed and wanted to get to chances at getting my player back and I was also down in numbers, which meant that I didn't think I could keep the ball safe enough to stall further. I also figured, that if he scored 1-1 I'd have my drive to score the wining TD.

He doesn't manage to score, so it's 1-0 at halftime.

I'm feeling confident for the second half, but the drive starts with a thrown rock, which takes CASes one of my remaining blitzers. Already down in numbers. I pick the ball up and move forward. He then blitzes a witch elf with the assassin, CASing her, which meant that it was 11 vs 8. Not great.

I must say that I gave this game away. I played badly and left a hole for him to get through, which he did.. Funny though, I tried to use dump off with my runner to have the ball land among my players, making it difficult for him to pick the ball up. The pass was inaccurate, which was fine, but it scattered back to the runner, who caught it. A lot of dice rolling for nothing.
He stole the ball and scored in his turn 15

I didn't mange the one turner, so the game ended 1-1.

1-1 (1-1)

Game 4 vs Chaos Dwarves (vs Kaju)

Sleepig ball

My opponent was playing with
2 Bulls (2x Break Tackle)
6 Dwarves (3x Guard, Mighty Blow)
4 Hobgoblins
3 RR

This was one of the match ups I didn't like to see due to the amount of tackle, but it was a good opportunity to see if my roster would work, eventhough it just had 2 rerolls.

I start the game off by electing to kick and I'm lucky and granted with a deep kick.

My opponent kept a bull and two hobgoblins in the back and tried the pick up with the bull (after some blocks and a blitz), but failed to pick the ball up. I was hapy with that since it meant that my opponent would be stressed at the end of the drive, needing to move the ball forward faster than he'd like.

I made no advance to cover the ball or pressure him. Instead I tried to knock down some dwarves and screen them, so they couldn't move up the pitch. My opponent then managed to pick the ball up in turn 2, but didn't enter my half of the pitch. I kept doding back one square and got a lucky KO on the mighty blow dwarf. My opponent CAS-fouled one of linemen, but that is all that happened in the first half. I stopped him from scoring in his turn 8.

In my drive, I receive the ball and moved up the pitch, screening and then scoring in my turn 15.
Me being lucky again, the ensuing kick was also deep and my opponent couldn't score in his turn 16 due to the many tacklezones on his intended receiver, if he'd made the long pass in the first place.

1-0 (0-1)

Game 5 vs undead (vs Kfoged)

Stab ball

My opponent was playing with
2 Mummies (Guard, Block)
2 Wights (Guard, Frenzy)
3 Ghouls (2x Block)
2 Skeletons
4 Zombies
3 RR

I elect to kick and I'm awarded with both a deep kick and a riot.
Great start to the game!

I try to elfscreen and I'm doing an okay job of it until I hit a 1 reroll 1 and he can advance more than I would have liked. I also make a big misstake in turn 15, going to the ball carrier when he caged up in my half. He could just blitz a hole and make two GFIs for the score. I should have just gone for a cage corner and marked his ball carrier. He could still have score, but would have had to roll more dice.

The half ends with 0-1 (1-1) since I can't set the one turner up in a correct way.
I need more practice when it comes to one turners.

The second half starts with a blitz and he puts me under pressure, but his ghouls can't dodge even if their life depended on it. We counted it to six ghould dodges during the game and three successes and all dodges had the dodge reroll. My opponent was unlucky, to say the least.

The set up before the blitz

I move down one side and screen. When the picture was taken, I was considering switching sides, but my opponent cleverly postioned his ghoul at the bottom in such a way that I needed to blitzes to go through.

Moving up a side
In my 12th turn I'm faced with the decision of stalling out for the draw or scoring and hoping that I can either steal the ball or keep the draw. I go for the TD and cross my fingers.

We set up again and it's another deep kick. Good for me.
I roll on the kick off table and it's a blitz!!

After my blitz
I try not to overcommit and just send a couple of players down within striking distance of the ball.

My opponent then fails the pick up and the ball scatters accross the field parallell with his endzone.
After some lucky breaks for me I can scope up the ball and score in my 16th turn!

2-1 (2-1)

This places me on the top table against the defending StockBowl Cup Champion and we're four coaches with a chance of walking away with the NAF trophy.
The last draw

Game 6 vs Lizards (vs MartinS)

Sleeping ball

My opponent was playing with
6 Saurus (5x Block)
1 Kroxigor (Block)
6 Skinks
2 RR

I kick ed the ball and tried to elfscreen, stopping him from advancing to much. I also tried to blitz a skink every turn, if possible and divide some of the sauruses from the cage. One of my blitzers goes down (CAS) in his 3rd turn. A big blow to my team. I needed my blodgers to stay on the field.

Trying to keep the cage at bay
It all looks good until that dreaded 1 reroll 1 and he moves his cage down my left side in his turn 7.
I notice, that he's left a small hole in his cage and go for it. A 4+ dodge to hit the skink ball carrier with the wrestle witch.The dodge is successful, but I skull the blitz. Reroll, skull. The skink runs the ball in for a 0-1 lead.

In hindsight, I made a stupid error here. I should have dodged with my other witch elf first, taking the assist away from the skink, then having two dice blocks instead, but I just had that 1 reroll 1 fresh in my mind and didn't want to risk it. I also wanted to keep the second witch for the ball, but talking to Kfoged later, that was also stupid. Don't plan for a pick up if you're not sure of getting the ball first. If I would have prevented the score, I would have had a better chance at winning the game/tournament.

On the following kick off, the ball started flapping (-1 to passes).
I set up for a one turn TD, but didin't even try since I'd mad an error in my set up.

In the second half, I tried to go for one side and I was hoping that he'd move his team over to that side, which he did. The problem with going back to the other side was that his team is equally fast. I also missed that one of his sauruses could blitz my ball carrier with GFIs, which he did and the ball was on the ground. He managed to pick it up with a skink, but I blitz the skink down. I then failed the pick up, but so did he in his following turn. His kroxigor was also standing around for two turns without doing anything (no tacklezones) and I could go through a hole in his line, set up a screen and score in my 14th turn. I did so to be able to steal the ball or stall out for the draw. It worked in game 5. Maybe I'd be lucky twice in a row.

Set up for the last kick off
It's once again a deep kick and he picks the ball up but moves the skink back towards his endzone. I cover his receivers and send some players up in scoring range, but he moves his skink even further away. He's got one chance, a long pass, with a stunty player and a flappy ball to a receiver in two tacklezones. He fails the pass and the ball scatters off target. The game ends in a draw.

1-1 (1-1)

We were now three coaches on 4-2-0 and we didn't know who'd won.
It was down to tiebreakers, opponent score being the first one. As it turned out, MartinS and I had the same opponent score of 42, but he had a better TD and CAS raiting, thus winning the tournament. So for the second year in a row, I dididn't win the tournament/stunty cup on tiebreakers, but, I was still very happy with my performance and a second place is still good. My best placement to date. You can view the tournament results here.

I got to go home with this

Conclusions/Leasons Learned

There's some things that I need to do better and one of them is the one turner. I need to practice it and not just pictures. I need to set it up on a board and learning it that way. That's leason number 1.

The second leasons woul be that I need to take better decisions in my turn 7 when I'm defending. I could have stopped MartinS by doding the second witch elf in to remove the assists. I didn't need to get to the ball to stop him. The same goes for game 5. I didn't need to get the ball or push my opponents ghoul back. It would have been better to forcing my opponent to roll more dice.

Regarding my roster, I was very happy with it, but I think it's due to the fact that you get all your skills from the start at StockBowl Cup. For Dungeonbowl I might need to rethink the roster a bit. Depending on the amount of tackle, three dodge players might not be enough (Block and wrestle on witches and dodge on a blitzer day 1).
I also found that my opponents ignored my runner since he didn't have leader or any other skills. I might keep him because his MA7 was very useful for getting the ball or giving assists.

I'd also like to thank Mago and Ozt for a great tournament!

Thank you for reading

Oct 13, 2015

Roster for Stock Bowl Cup VI

So, here we go. (Probably) The last tournament for the year and it's Stock Bowl Cup VI.
I had a great time last year where I lost the stunty cup on one point of opponent score and was in the running for most cas.

This time I'll be playing dark elves, but I was very much tempted to play halflings. However, I didn't like how the last tournament (Underground Cup) went and I'd like to improve with the dark elves.

Let's have a look at the roster. Since I don't have anything but 4 blitzers, 2 witches, 4 linemen and a runner painted, that's what I'm going for. I'll probably play a different roster once my dark evles 2.0 are finished, but it's going to be a while.

For skills, I went with the 5+1 pack and here is where the changes to my normal dark elf roster comes.I decided to skip leader on the runner in favour of dodge on a blitzer and I went for block on a witch instead of wrestle. I'm hoping that having four blodgers and a wrodger will be a tough nut for my opponent to crack.

Finger's crossed, that I won't have to face too many dwarves. I'm hoping that it will make the team a bit more resiliant and it forces me to play safer since I've only got two rerolls. That's also why I went for the AC and Cheer, to hopefully get me more rerolls.

4 Blitzers (3x Dodge, Guard)
2 Witches (Block, Wrestle)
4 Linemen
2 RR

Wish me luck!

Oct 6, 2015

Nurgle Team

A while back I shared my plans for a nurgle team and I've since realised that I'll probably never play the team in a tournament and hence never finish them.I've got so many other teams to finish and so little time.

With that in mind, I asked the other coaches in our league if they'd join me in giving it to our nurgle loving league commissioner for his birthday (on which he also organises a small tournament). With everyone onboard, I started with the team.

Here's the result and I'm very happy with it and I can't wait for next season, when I'll hopefully be able to play against the team.


Warriors and the beast


The Team

The Team

Sep 27, 2015

Underground Cup

My first time organizing a tournament and it was fun, but a very hectic day. Four games, which by itself is stressful, but also organizing and in my case, a sever cold, wasn't easy. It might sound like I'm making excuses for what you're about to read and I guess I am :). Let's see how it went for me, but let's start with the roster.

I went with the same roster as I did for the NAFC, but with some added skills.

I had 4 blitzers, 2 witches, 1 runner, 4 linemen, 2 RR and 2 FF (which I forgot about until the last game).

For skills, I went with wrestle on both witches and leader on the runner for game 1&2.
I then added guard and dodge to two separate blitzers for game 3 and followed that up with dodge on the two remaining blitzers in game 4.

The calm before the storm
Game 1vs Norse

Fame -1

I got the choice of kicking or receiving and chose the later. My idea and hope was to have a game much like my last game at the NAFC. That was not going to happen. The half started with a thrown rock which stunned a lineelf. Not too bad. However, as said lineelf stood up in turn 3 and tried to dodge away, he went straight to the CAS-box.

I was under pressure being down on players and had to score in my turn 4.
Sadly, my KOs didn't come back and I was in trouble.

The half ended 1-1 and I had three elves injured and one KO to his eleven.

Second half started in the same manner as the first one, with a stunned lineelf. 
So I was now down to six players for at least two turns. This wasn't going my way and against a good coach like Ignaz, who won the tournament, there isn't much you can do. Fun fact, we've played each other twice in tournaments and both times he's won and ended up wining the tournament.

Lost the game with 2-1 and I had one stunned elf left on the pitch when Ignaz scored in turn 16.
I couldn't do much with the three elves I had on the pitch in turn 16. Still tried a block for fun. Skull.

1-2 (CAS 0-5)

Game 2 vs Dwarves

Fame -1
Nice weather

I elected to kick starting this game and the result on the kick-off table was a pitch invasion.
It wasn't top bad and one of my blitzers was stunned as well as a troll slayer.

He moved forward, but didn't protect his runner well enough and I could steal the ball ending the first half 1-0 for me. I then received the ball and scored 2-0 hoping that I could steal the ball again. I however overcommitted and he could score in his turn 16. Still okay with the decision to go for 3-0 since I had the win anyway.

2-1 (CAS 0-2)

Game 3 vs Necro

Fame -2
Pouring rain

I started the game kicking and he started his turn with a block or two and then he went for the ball, forgetting about the rain and failing in picking up the ball. I broke through his line and scored 1-0. I somehow managed to do this twice in the first half and was up 2-0 going into the second half. I was however down on players with just six elves on the pitch.

He rolled for the kick-off while saying that it was going to be a bitz, since he needed it and yes, it was a blitz. A couple of turns later and he scored 2-1. 

Setting up again, my plan was to with in my half and burn time and then punt the ball, hoping that he wouldn't be able to reach it before I did or that the clock would run out. Well, that didn't happen. I failed a dodge with the blitzer (with dodge) and spilled the ball in my half (on the punt action). Luckily, he couldnt reach the ball so I tried again the following turn, but the ball was intercepted! He scored the equalizer the turn after.

Setting up again my plan was to go for a two turn elf score and the weather changed, so I was feeling good about my chances. I wasn't to be however and a zombie intercepted the ball and said zombie could then hand the ball off to a werewolf who double GFied his way to victory.

This was a sad defeat, but I'm not sure that I could have done much to prevent it. I had half the players he had on the pitch and got surrounded quite fast. It didn't help that he was getting one player of the pitch each turn (well, it felt like it at least)

2-3 (CAS0-3)

Game 4 vs Chaos Pact

Fame -1
Nice weather

I started the game by kicking to him and it was a touchback. He decided to give the ball to the minotaur which I was happy with. Granted, he'd given the mino block and it has strength 5, so it wasn't going to be easy getting him done, but to move him, my opponent would have to blitz with him. So, I started screening, knowing that he could just punch a hole with his ballcarrier, which is a loner. Having so much blodge made it hard for him to punch through. I got some lucky breaks though, seeing as my opponent rolled a couple of ones for his wild animal rolls. 

I based the mino with blodge blitzers and that meant that he was stuck and he had to blitz the blitzers, but I placed the blitzers in the back, which meant that he was going in the wrong direction. After a turn, I got the mino down on the pitch with a witch elf. A bit lucky though, since it was a -2d, but with wrestle, it wasn't that unlikely that I would get the ball free. A blitzer then scoped the ball up and ran in for the score, 1-0.

I kick again and I put him under pressure. Sadly though, in his turn 8, he manages to dodge through tackle zones, pick the ball up in tackle zones, pass in tackle zones and catch the ball with the goblin for 1-1.
Before the goblin scored (thanks to Cubefarmer for the picture)
As I've got a turn left, I might as well try some blocks, which resulted in two casualties, seeing the goblin and a guard marauder leave the game.

Starting the second half we were even on players. My plan was to score in turn 16, since he didn't have the goblin anymore, he'd have trouble doing a OTTD. However, I failed in stalling due to him dodging through my screen with a marauder and knocking down my blodge blitzer on a single die blitz. The ball landed in the endzone and I had to score. 2-1 with turns to go.

I kicked and rolled a perfect defense stopping him from advancing and after a failed pass, I could scope the ball up and eventually scoring in turn 16, after the ball had changed hands once or twice.

3-1 (CAS 3-3)

I ended with a 2-0-2 record, which I guess is okay, but I wasn't happy with game 3, which I should have won. This also means that my NAF-Ranking is dropping and that's the opposite of what I wanted for this tournament. Now I'm not sure what I should take for my next tournament which is Stockbowl Cup VI.

Should I go for the stunty cup or play dark elves again?
Was the NAFC just lucky on my part or can I play dark elves?
If i go for dark elves, should I then go for a block witch and dodge on my runner?
Or maybe leave the runner without a skill and go for 4 blodgers (3 blitzers and a witch), one guard blitzer and a wrodger witch. Five dodge rerolls, but just two regular rerolls.
(I'd like to try a five lineelf set up, but i won't be able to paint another lineelf before the tournament)

I'll have to sleep on it

Sep 15, 2015

Update on the Underground Cup

I haven't written anything in a while and the reason for that is that I'm working on a couple of projects that will be reviled soonish.

One of the projects is a four game tournament in Berlin. We've called it Underground Cup and starting next year we'll modify the rules to have a underworld/skaven theme in the sewers underneath the streets of Berlin. This year however we've gone with the WC III Rules to attract players going there.

One of my tasks was designing the logo for the tournament and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
You'll find more information regarding the tournament on our webpage.

I'm also thrilled to announce that we'll have 28 coaches playing in the first ever Underground Cup on the 26th of September. A lot more than we expected to be honest.

Jul 15, 2015

Dark Elves 2.0

It's been a while since I've written something here, but it has it's reasons. I recently became a father and I've had less time to post.

I just wanted to update you on my current Dark Elves 2.0-project.

I started with the linemen and here's the first one

First lineman
I'm really happy with the 2nd ed style and decided to go for a 2nd ed team in plastic.

Three linemen and a runner (without the helmet)
I need to fill the gaps with greenstuff and sculpt some features on the runner, but I'm happy with them.

I then started to look for a color scheme and tried a Renegades scheme.

But once I tried it, the result wasn't that great. Too much yellow.

Renegaes color scheme
I had a look again and I liked the Darkside Cowboys-color scheme

and this time I made the sensible thing and started with a small piece instead of a complete miniature.

Feeling confident, I started with the actual miniature

First painted lineman
I still need to highlight the black and I'm also going to highlight the blue some more, but I'm happy with the result.

I also put a blitzer together and I'm liking this team. Can't wait to have them done and on the pitch.
My goal is to be able to play with the at EuroBowl 2016 in Sweden.

First blitzer

Jun 10, 2015


After it going so well for me at the NAFC I've decided to play some more tournaments with dark elves, but I'm not a 100% happy with the team I've painted. So, I'm going for dark elves 2.0 and this time I'll convert them from the games workshop plastic sets.

Here's the first try with a lineman. He's still missing spikes, repositioning, other arms and green stuff, but I think it will look good once it's done.

First try at a plastic lineman

It will however take a while before they're done and until then I'll just play with the painted team.

Since I need to order some bitz for the dark elf team I painted some dwarves, for fun. They were quite easy to paint so I ended up getting a fourth of the team done.

One fourth of the Tiergarten Titans

May 27, 2015

NAFC 2015

NAFC for this year is over and what a tournament. As always (well, the times I've been there) the organisation was spot on. I'm already looking forward to next year.

But, I thought I'd do a short write up of what happend this year first.
I played with this roster.

Game 1 vs Lizardmen

Nice weather

My first game was against lizardmen, which is a tough opponent, but I'd rather face them early, when they've just got three skills. The skills were two block on two sauruses and break tackle on the krox.

Early in the second half
I started the game by kicking off to my opponent. He advanced, but I managed to bogg him down and eventually steal the ball. Sadly, I managed to knock my ball carrier down and got the ball to a skink, who handed the ball off to another skink, but the last skink failed his dodge, so the half ended 0-0, which I was still happy with. I now had 8 turns to score and potentially win the game.

In the second half, I was forced to score in my second turn, but I felt that I'd at least have a draw in the bag.
Two turn score in the second half
My opponent made a misstake, maybe because he was a bit stressed, since he needed to score. The misstake was that he didn't cover the ball when he tried to pick it up and that meant that I could get at it. I stole the ball and scored in my turn 16. A fun game and a perfect start to my NAFC 2015.

TD 2-0
CAS 2-1

Game 2 vs Undead

Nice weather

I received the ball and screened my way to a score in turn 8. 
Sadly I had 3 KOs, but felt confident that I'd get at least two in in my two attempts.
Before kicking of to him in turn 8, I got one player back and none at half time. Together with the casulties he'd inflicted it meant that I was defending with just seven elves. 

Start of the second half
I feared that my opponent woould score quickly and then steal the ball for the win.

In a few turns, I was down to four elves, but still managed to put pressure on the ball.
My opponent didn't go for the win and stalled out for the draw in turn 16. I couldn't do much in the last turn of the game since I just had five players on the field.

TD 1-1
CAS 1-3

Game 3 vs Undead

Nice weather

This game was over quick. I started the game off by rolling a blitz on the kick off table.
That meant that my opponent was now playing defense against a dark elf team in the middle of his half. I managed to stall and score in turn 8.

The second half was uneventfull since he didn't get his KOs back and I could score in turn 16.

TD 2-0
CAS 0-1

Gamle 4 vs Dark Elves

Pouring rain

I kicked to him and he started moving down the pitch, screening his ball carrier. I mad several attempts at getting to the ball, but couldn't knock it free. He scored in his turn 8.

The second half started with a pitch invasion! 2 down for me and 7 for him. 
This was my chance to score quickly and then play for the win, at least, that's what I thought. If my runner had managed to pick the ball up. In his second attempt, he did pick it up, but with a reroll. I had declaired a hand off action with him and here is when I lost the game. I shouldn't have followed through on the hand off, but I wanted to go for the win rather than stall out the draw. The rest of the half saw me trying to pick up the ball, the ball bouncing to one of his linemen, me trying to block his lineman down. I devoted a total of nine block dice to knocking the lineman down, but only managed nine pushes.
The game ended with neither of us scoring, so he won, but it was a very fun game and I'm still okay with my choice of going for the win.

TD 0-1
0-1 CAS

Game 5 vs Dark Elves

The first thing my opponent said to me was "I've had one hour of sleep, since I've been out drinking. Please have patience with me". It was quite clear that I was going to win this one.


He kicks to me and the weather changes to nice, which was good for both of us.
I score in my 8th turn and in his 8th turn a rock was thrown, but it was only a stunned player.
He CAS fouls a lineman and gets sent off

I get my KOs back for the second half so it's 10 vs 10.

Once again a rock is thrown which stunns of of his blitzers. The acctual kick is quite bad and one of his witches catch it, but he starts his turn by running a blitzer forward. He then trips on the GFI and his witch is just standing there with the ball. I surround her and get the ball back for a turn 16 score. Game over.

TD 2-0
CAS 1-0

Game 6 vs Norse

I receive and run to a side and he follows. I then switch sides and back we go. This means he just gets one blitz per turn and with his lower armor, I get some players of the field. In my turn five I break through for a TD in turn six. This leaves him three turns to score, but I thought I could defend from that happening, which I almost do. but rather than markig his ball carrier with a witch I move her away (the blitz was used on one of the receivers in my half), to protect her for the second half. This means, that he's got an easier time scoring.
He scores in his turn 8 with a hand off in a TZ and some dodges.

Start of the second half
In the second half. I stopped his offence and could in turn 16 dodge, pick up the ball, pass it, catch it hand off in a TZ and dodge my way to victory! Propper elf bullshit.

TD 2-1
CAS 3-0

This was the best game of the tournament and maybe even my best blood bowl game ever. A great oponent and a game that could have gone either way.

That meant that I ended the tournament with a 4-1-1 record, landing me the 18th spot out of 150.
I'm very happy with my result and the tournament in general.

Thank you to all my opponents and the organisers!

May 18, 2015

Roster for NAFC

The NAFC is almost here and I've just sent my roster in for review.

I'll be using the same roster as I did in the RTNAFC and Preußenbowl.
I'm hoping for a result closer to the RTNAFC than Preußenbowl.

I thought about removing a witch elf in favour of a lineman and an apo, but I won't be able to paint another linemen, so that will have to be tried in another tournament.

I've also added some white lines to the display base/carrying tray and I think it looks a bit better.
The lines aren't straight, but I don't imagine the line painting goblins being that neat, so it kind of fits.

Here's a picture of the elves (the ball will be placed in the empty spot)

Reinickendorf Raiders
and one with the halflings

Gesundbrunnen picknick Packers

Apr 30, 2015

Quick update

I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd just update you guys on what's going on.

I'm currently painting my elves and my initial idea was to paint them all, ie all the players that I'd need for league play. I have however since then changed those plans.

My current plan is to paint enough elves for my dark elf tournament team and I'm currently six elves away from that. My goal is to paint the six remaining elves (4 blitzers and 2 witch elves) before the NAFC and play them there. (If I don't, I'll probably play halflings instead)

Why this change?

Well, I've realised that I like tournaments more than league play and I'd rather paint a couple of tournament teams in order to play different teams, before going back and painting the extra models needed for league play. I'll probably have less time for blood bowl in the future, becoming a father soon, so tournaments might be when I get to play, so why not play different teams?

I also have this crazy idea of maybe someday wining a NAF-trophy and I'd therefore like to paint some of the more competitive teams, like wood elves.

I recently one an eBay action for a Meiko wood elf team and I just need to paint 10 elves for my tournament team (together with one of the trees from my halfling team). So, six dark elves and ten wood elves to go for two of the best tournament teams.

I've also sold some of my teams, because I'll probably never get around to painting them and having that pile of unpainted miniatures wasn't really motivating.

This plan might change, but as of now the plan is to paint the following teams
  • Dark elves 
  • Wood elves 
  • Orcs 
  • Dwarves 
  • Skaven 
  • Pro elves 
  • Nurgle 
  • Undead (repaint) 
Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pictures of my finished dark elf team soon.

Thanks for reading

Mar 26, 2015

Dungeonbowl 2015

My first ever Dungeonbowl and I was both excited and anxious, because I wasn't sure how the halflings would preform without two block trees from the get go. You'll find my roster here.

I was very surprised over how good the venue and organization was and that alone will see me back next year.

As we got our goodies after registration we also got a name tag. Mine was quite easy to find, due to the only one with a blue and yellow flag.

Name tags
For this year, Marian had made a 3D dungeon board for the final. It was very well made as was the prizes.

Dungeon and prizes

Game 1 vs Lycos Undead 1-1 (5-3)

The draw for the first round saw me playing against Lycos. I didn't think I'd stand a chance, but I might lear a thing or two and losing the first game might not be the worst thing, since I'd then hopefully play an easier opponent in game 2.

Lycos played a quite standard roster with a tackle wight, block ghoul and a guard wight, if I'm not mistaken (3 RRs).

Nice weather

Lycos wins the toss and elects to let me kick, which isn't so bad, since I'd be able to defend with 11 players as well as probably being able to line up 11 players in turn 8, increasing my chances of throwing a halfling for a score.

After the set up, I role for my master chef and I steal 3 RRs, which is extremely lucky and it's actually the first time I've stolen three.

The kick off result is an 8 and Lycos gets a RR.

The half was really brutal and both teams lose a lot of players The worst offender is his tackle wight, which knocked out (or worse) several halflings. Once it's clear that he'll score, I back my players of of his team to protect Puggy. He'd already CASed all of my side steppers so I just leave him to score in turn 8. 

My OTTM failed because the halffling landed on a skeleton, which was a shame. He'd otherwise be in a good position for a score.

At the start of the second half, my master chef manages to steal 2 RRs, so he was very effective this game, but that was just what I needed this game. 

I start a slow drive up the field and I manage to get some of his players off of the field. It's however not enough and I get bogged down half way up his half. I see no other chance but to throw the halfling with the ball. He lands and runs in the equalizer in my 7th turn.

That leaves two turns for Lycos to score and he runs in with multiple receivers in my half and leaves a wight with the ball in his half. The wight however stands four squares from one of my trees, so I blitz the zombie next to the tree and GFI my way up to the wight, to at least force a dodge. I then fail a dodge with a halflings, who'd otherwise mark one of the receivers. This leaves me quite exposed, but Lycos needs to dodge, GFI, catch and then GFI twice for the win and he's got his RR left.
As it turns out, Nuffle didn't want Lycos to win and he fails his dodge on a 2 rerolled into a 2. The game ends 1-1 and I'm over the moon with that result.

It was a great game and Lycos is a great opponent.

I was also nominated for the Best Painted award, which was a real honor, although I didn't think I'd win. (Spoiler: I didn't). My team is well painted, but not best painted level.

Game 2 vs MostMost Skaven1-1 (2-1)

My opponent had the following, 4 Gutter runners, 1 Blitzer, Hakflem Skuttlespike, 6 linerats, 1 thrower. One block GR, one wrestle GR and Leader on the thrower.

Pouring rain

I decided to kick, because of the rain, hoping that he might fail the pick up, giving me some more time to beat on his linerats.

My master chef stole 2 RRs, which left him with just his leader RR.

Kick off nice weather, but at least it's a deep kick

He moves a cage of gutter runners up the field and I mark it with Deeproot and another tree. I then suround it with halflings, making it difficult for him to block or dodge his way out. He can't and he loses the ball. A halfling picks it up and I can score 1-0 in turn 6, I think. It leaves him enough time to score the equalizer.

1-1 after the first half

I was liking my chances for the second half. Just grind und the field with the trees and screen of the ball carrier for the 2-1 win in turn 16. He'd have a hard time one turning against three trees.

I steal his 2 RRs and he's yet again left with just his leader RR.

He rolls for the kick off and it's a Blitz!

I can't beleive it. From going for the win I'm now faced with the task of keeping him out of my endzone. He floods my backfield with gutter runners, but I still manage to make it to my trees, but it doesn't mean that I'm out of the woods yet.
I got bogged down and had to throw a halffling in turn 7. The halfling lands, but my opponent couldn't blitz him down, but swarmed the poor halffling instead. I couldn't dodge through (would have been two GFIs as well). This leaves him with a long bomb for the win, which he fails and the game ends in a draw.

I thought I had a good shoot at a win in this game, but it wasn't to be.
I hate the blitz result...

Game 3 vs peterd Undead 0-2 (2-7 CAS)

For some reason, Peter didn't want to play against me. Must be because he just had two rerolls. His roster was 3 ghouls, 2 wights, 2 mummies, and a mix of skeletons and zombies for 14 players. 2 RRs.
One tackle Wight, sure hands ghoul and block ghoul.

Nice weather

I decided to kick for the same reasons as given in game 1 (although it was fored up on me in that game)

I don't remember a lot from this game, except that it wasn't good. Peter blitzed with his tackle wight almost every turn and got a halfling of the field.
Another thing I remember is Puggy catching a bouncing ball thanks to his nerves of steal. I thought "I might still have a chance" but Puggy trips on his own hair feet while trying to get away.

Everything that could go wrong went wrong and I lost 0-2.
In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have kicked, but I'm not sure that would have changed the outcome of the game.

Game 4 vs Letzy Skaven 0-1 (2-3)

Another skaven game. Skaven might be the worst match up for halflings, together with elves.

Letzy had 4 Gutter runners, 2 Blitzers, Ratogre, Thrower and 4 Linerats. 2 wrestle GRs, 2 guard Blitzers, block on the ogre and something else that I can't remember. 3 RRs

Fame +1
Nice weather

I decided to receive in order to maybe knock some rats out early.

I start with a slow grind up the pitch behind my trees.

After my first turn

Things are going well until turn 5. I blitz with Puggy, to open a hole, through which I can run my loose cage/screen and be in a good position to score. I roll for the block and it's a double skull. Darn.

Letzy can't get to the ball, but I can't score as easily. I still try, but I can't make the two dodges needed to get into the endzone and my halflings CASes himself in the process.

It's 0-0 at halftime and it's not looking good for the second half.

He scored in in his second turn of the second half. That left me with seven turns to score for the draw.
I almost make it, but it wasn't meant to be. My second loss of the tournament.

Game 5 vs Gninocker Underworld 1-0 (2-1)

He had a bit of a unusua roster.
1 troll (leader), 2 throwers (pro, block), Nobbla Blackwart, 1 Blitzer (mighty blow) and enough goblins for a 16 man roster (side step, two heads), Apo and 2 RRs

Nice weather
Fame +1

I get to kick, but I might have done that anyways, so I was okay with that.

My master chef steals 2 RRs.

The kick off is an 8 and he gets the reroll.

He starts his turn by going after Puggy. To do so, he dodges Nobbla in to two tackle zones and I point out that he can't use the positive effects of stunty with a chainsaw. He shruggs and rolls the die. It's a 6!
That's how this game went, more or less. He dodged his players away from my trees, into tackle zones, picking up balls in tackle zones and didn't roll below a 5. He even dodge away from my diving tackle player several times, but it doesn't matter when you're not rolling below 5.

I still manage to steal the ball and get my ball carrier close to his endzone. My ball carrier and a friend was standing next to the endzone, with a side step goblin in the endzone. I thought, that my odds were better, just blocking the goblin with 2d, since I just needed a push. which would have meant that I could follow up when his side step goblin was pushed. It felt safer than dodging, but I'll have to check the odds for the next time.The result is a both down and the half ends 0-0.

After some weird turn of events, I manage to score in my 16th turn, but it wasn't easy. He made all his Skaven dodges and yet again ignored my diving tackle halfling. He however failed one dodge with his two headed goblin. A 1 rerolles into a 2, so I used my diving tackle halfling, for the first time in the game. This meant that he couldn't put pressure on my ball carrier, seven squares away from the endzone. I had to make a 2d block to push a thrower (without block) out of my ball carriers path and make two GFIs. It all succeeds and I'm up 1-0, with just one turn remaing.

I fails in his attempt to block down the tree next to the troll and the game ends 1-0.

Game 6 vs Steamroller Necro 2-0 (4-2)

He had 2 werewolves (block and mighty blow), 2 flesh golems (both block), 2 wights (guard), 2 ghouls (sure hands), 3 zombies and 2 RRs.

Nice weather

I elect to kick and steal one of his RRs.

I scored in my sixth turn and I've by then inflicted 3 CAS and a KO. 2 Zombies out and just one of the CAS was regenerated. It was looking quite good for me and he didn't have enough zombies to cover my trees.
He had three turns to score, but without a reroll it might prove a difficult task.

He gets a RR on the kick off, but still can't score. He tried to attack me on both flanks, which was spreading himself a bit thin. I managed to surf a werewolf and that was it for the first half.

I steal both his rerolls and roll a perfect defence on the kick off. He couldn't have a worse start.

After the perfect defence
That stops him and he can't recover. I can steal the ball and walk in for a 2-0 score in turn 16.

That means that I end the tournament with a 2-2-2 record and place 36 out of 68.
I'm the best halffling player and the second best stunty player, which I'm happy with. I feel like I could have won one more game, but at least I managed a 50% record. Hopefully, I can win that third game at the NAFC instead. Speaking of which, I thought it would be more brutal not having two block trees from the get go, but as it turns out, it wasn't that much of a difference. I'm looking forward to the NAFC even more now and I'll probably keep the same skills as the NAFC has the same rulepack.

At one point during my last game, my opponent picked Deeproot up and dropped him on the table, due to his cheese doodle fingers. From what I could see then, there was no damage done, but once I got home and had a closer look, he'd chipped some of the paint of. I hope that I can repair the damage, but don't eat and play Kids! I'll also start being a bit more selective on who moves the miniatures.

Chipped Deeproot